How can I sign up for wholesale?

You can sign up through our wholesale portal here. Or you can contact our wholesale team directly at salesusa@voit.com.

Who can sign up for wholesale account?

Retailers and distributors interested in selling our product as well as any sport institution, such as a sprots academy or amateur league who need to order our product in bulk.

I signed up for wholesale and still don’t see the bulk discounts, what gives?

We’re likely still reviewing your application or are missing some documents. If you have further inquiries please contact our wholesale team at salesusa@voit.com.

What is the minimum order quantity for wholesale?

It depends on our product. Most soccer balls and inflatables have a minimum order of 6, since that is the amount that can easily be shipped in our standard boxes. However we do offer additional discounts for orders with a full carton.

Why is there a non-disclosure agreement?

Our wholesale catalogue might include items and collections that are not yet publicly available, why kindly ask our retail and distribution partners not divulge images associated with these products to protect the quality image and good will of Voit balls and the brand names, Liga MX Sponsors License and trademarks.

What is the minimum advertising price policy (MAP)?

To protect the quality image and good will of Voit balls and the brand names, Liga MX Sponsors License and trademarks, Voit maintains a Minimum Advertising Price policy for our retail partners and kindly ask that you do not sell the product at prices no lower than the price suggested on our wholesale catalogues (MSRP) unless it is through a storewide or clearance sale.
We reserve the right to deny future shipments or sales to retailers that do not stick to these guidelines.

Why do the discounts on the wholesale portal and the prices given to us by a sales representative vary?

Our site offers a standard wholesale discount for retailers and sport institutions. We try our best not to undercut our distributors and resell partners when possible. Large distributors and independent sales representatives might offer a different price depending on the product and their circumstance.

I signed up for wholesale and still don’t see a discounts, what gives?

We’re likely still reviewing your application or are missing some documents. If you have further inquiries please contact our wholesale team at salesusa@voit.com.

Do you offer credit for large orders?

We do offer credit on a case by case basis for large orders. Please contact us directly at salesusa@voit.com for further information.